To contact any of our staff, please call 785-235-3457 or email us at and a message will be rerouted to the staff member you are trying to contact. Thank you.

The Very Rev. Torey Lightcap
The Very Rev. Torey Lightcap Dean
The Rev. Jody Carroll
The Rev. Jody Carroll Canon
The Rev. Sarah Shipman
The Rev. Sarah Shipman Curate
The Rev. Don Chubb
The Rev. Don Chubb Deacon
The Rev. Carl Edwards
The Rev. Carl Edwards Deacon
Kent Wingerson
Kent Wingerson Cathedral Verger and Finance Officer
Cassie Carlson
Cassie Carlson Office and Communications Manager
Dr. Donald Livingston
Dr. Donald Livingston Organist
Eduardo García-Novelli
Eduardo García-Novelli Choirmaster
Zachary Cope
Zachary Cope Associate Choirmaster
Kathy Smith
Kathy Smith Director of Children's Ministries
Mike Godfrey
Mike Godfrey Sexton
Ruth Ohm
Ruth Ohm Ministry Coordinator

© 2012 – 2025 Grace Episcopal Cathedral, Topeka, Kansas