Grace Cathedral aims to help the parish grow as a faith community. We hope to facilitate the social, spiritual, and educational development of the congregation, the diocese, and the wider community.

Getting Started
As part of our ministry to the community, we invite you to consider using our spaces for approved events. We recommend checking with us as soon as you know of a need, even and especially if you only have a potential date/time. You can do that by filling out the request form below. That will get the process started. You will typically hear back from us within seven days. Requests for use of space cannot be handled by phone or email and will be directed to our web site.

An Important Note
We regret that we will not be able to honor every request. Our ability to be a site host for any event is subject to time of year, church calendar needs, the scope of your need, and the availability of personnel and other resources.

Weddings, Funerals, and Baptisms
Weddings are governed under the Weddings Customary. (This Facilities Use information does not apply to weddings.) The most current version of that policy can be furnished upon request.
Funerals are planned in close coordination with families and funeral homes; fees and suggested honoraria can be discussed at the time that these events are being planned.
Baptisms occur in conjunction with the staff and clergy of Grace Cathedral. Except in emergency, baptisms take place on Sunday mornings in the context of worship services. There is never a charge for a baptism.

Usable Spaces
All Saints Hall. This space can accommodate up to 150 people. It is available for classes, meetings, receptions, and community events whose purposes are closely aligned with those of Grace Cathedral. Church and diocesan events take precedence in the scheduling of this space.
Cathedral. The Cathedral can accommodate 450 people. It may be made available for concerts or larger events whose purposes are closely aligned with those of Grace Cathedral. Typical advance notice is at least six months.

• Use of facility
~ Ministries of the church or diocese: free
~ For personal use by active members, i.e. birthday/family celebrations, etc.: $35 per hour
~ For use by any other party: $250 for the first three hours and $75 for each additional hour; $100 damage deposit
• Janitorial, setup, and takedown: $100
• House sound and lights in Cathedral: $50 per hour
• Security for after-hours events: $20 per hour

Additional Requirements
Available hours. 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Hours may vary for church or diocesan events.
• Fire alarm. Fire Department service charges will be applied if the fire alarm is set off unnecessarily and the fire department is dispatched.
Decorations. Only freestanding decorations will be allowed in All Saints Hall. Arrangements can be made for early setup and decoration but are subject to change in the event of a funeral or other unexpected parish need.
Serving of alcohol. Grace Cathedral allows only wine, champagne and beer on the premises. No other type of alcohol is permitted. The Cathedral reserves the right to terminate an event if consumption is high or guests become unruly. If alcohol is served, a labeled, non-alcoholic alternative must be provided in an equally prominent and attractive manner. Any offering or consumption of alcohol on our campus is governed by the diocesan policy on “Use of alcohol at church functions.”
Tobacco use. Grace Cathedral is a tobacco-free campus. Smoking is not permitted in the buildings or on the grounds.
Presence of minors. When children are in attendance, they must be under the control of their parents or adults at all times and are not permitted to roam freely on church property.
Condition. Users are expected to leave the building clean. Any items associated with an event will be removed at the conclusion. There may be a further charge, at our discretion, for dealing with any messes left unaddressed.

As part of the process of using Grace Cathedral, be prepared to agree in writing to the following:
• You are sufficiently insured with liability and health insurance to cover your own need;
• You will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Grace Cathedral, its affiliates, Vestry, employees, agents, contractors, and successors from any and all claims, causes of action, suits, judgments, losses, damages, fines, penalties, and expenses caused by or arising out of your use of our facilities; and
• You are receiving information pertaining to the operation of the facility and will adhere to it.

Facility Use Request

Facility Use Request

Sponsoring Organization

Not required if request is made on behalf of an individual

Name (if different than contact name below)
Name (if different than contact name below)
Address (if different than contact address below)
Address (if different than contact address below)

Contact Information

Contact information for responsible party


Event Information

Space Needed
Select all that may apply
Proposed Start Time
Proposed End Time

Requirements/Fees Agreement

Required before proceeding

© 2012 – 2025 Grace Episcopal Cathedral, Topeka, Kansas